Business Analysis

The little baby that was born from the development department has become a monster. It is a nightmare to even go and do a little maintenance procedure like fixing a bug. The guy who basically knew the software in and out has just resigned. The clients have complained about the software being rusty, crashing all the time, and painfully slow.

You solution needs a total revamp or even a face lift, yet still maintaining the usability and business rules. You need a team dedicated engineers, developers, designers, technologists, analysts, scientists and managers


Code maintenance (i.e. bug fixes and enhancements), Security, Documentation.


"There is only one Boss, the customer. He can fire everyone from the chairman down, by spending his money somewhere else."

Software Development

We have a versatile Software Development team consisting of programmers, graphic designers and database administrators. During the development phase, our development team gets complete support from the administrators and managers. The managers interact constantly with the clients. This ensures that information flows through effectively and immediately from end to end.


Business Management

Lix Software, as an orginisation is administered by The Cartel. The management of products and projects is managed internally by Lix Software.

Software Engineering

Most of our time and effort is consumed in this vital process.

The term 'Engineering' has proven to be vague in the industry of Software Development. I simplify it as "the process by which the pieces are systematically put together." The pieces being functional components and methods. Basically, it is the drawing up of algorithyms and process flow diagrams. It is the first part of the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle). This is when the project has been approved to go into development.An engineer would be someone who is familiar with the business need and the technological units that are going to be used to develop the software.

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